What is it?
FMSF is a place to run wildland fire behavior and effects models for use within other systems. It brings improved performance, consistent data, and faster analysis results. FMSF also provides a key feature to users by greatly reducing the Information Technology (IT) needs by hosting models and tools in one service.
Generally speaking: FMSF hosts wildland fire behavior and effects models and tools for Application Programming Interface (API) connections to other systems (e.g. IFTDSS, WFDSS, etc.). FMSF provides fire forecasting data (flame lengths, rates of spread, fire progression, tree mortality, fuels consumed, emissions, etc.) outputs for use in other application analyses. This structure (build once, use multiple times) saves time and costs.
Technically speaking: FMSF is a Model as a Service (MaaS) that provides an API through RESTful web-service architecture.
We have models!
- FlamMap (FLAM)
- MTT (MTT_)
- Randig (RNDG)
- FSPro (FSPR)
- SpatialFOFEM Consumption and Emissions (FOFM)
- SpatialFOFEM Tree Mortality (SFTM)
For more information on the models themselves, visit the Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory where they were originally developed.
Would you like to know more?
For documentation on how to use the FMSF within your application, please see the User Guide.

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